Honest Grill @ Grains&Hops - Cheap Grilled BBQ and Cheaper Beers! - Chik's Crib

18 May 2018

Honest Grill @ Grains&Hops - Cheap Grilled BBQ and Cheaper Beers!

In a quiet corner of Pandan Loop's industrial estate lies Honest Grill, a homely establishment that carved out a place for itself amongst the locals. It's located in an area with seemingly zero foot traffic, but the affordable food and alcohol makes it a local hot spot for supper.

The joint lights the area up like a candle in the dark - the industrial park is hushed in the still of the night, but the bustle of Honest Grill drew us in from the adjourning streets. Customers sit merrily over a small charcoal set-up, grilling up a melange of meat and vegetables. Most people congregate near the back of the store, where it's closest to the stall selling the raw cuts of meat, but we elected for the quieter, breezier side along the storefront. 

The bacon-wrapped quail eggs could've used a little trimming of the fats, though we were big fans of the DIY-grilled oysters and brinjal slices. The best-seller was the 50c-a-stick pork belly, and we ordered as many as we could finish. 

Still, this place is a watering hole first and a grilled meat joint second; the main draw is the $30/10 bottle deal, and over our supper, some customers just dropped by to pick up beers. I'm not a big beer drinker, but it's nice to kick back and relax with a pint or two before the weekend officially starts.  

Honest Grill @ Grains&Hops

198 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128386
5.30pm - 10.30pm, Closed Sundays

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