Taro Milk Shake Recipe - A Milksha Copycat - Chik's Crib

07 December 2020

Taro Milk Shake Recipe - A Milksha Copycat

This is another of my milksha-inspired drink. It's a combination of two rich-tasting ingredients in a cup of deliciousness. Still, making this at home entails peeling a taro (you might want to wear gloves because direct skin contact with raw taro can be itchy), steam the taro, mash it then chill it before you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labour. 

Did this put you off off trying this recipe? (Great going, me.) Maybe it depends on how large your appetite is for a hearty cup of taro milk shake, or how many people in your vicinity is craving a cup of taro milk shake. Would I make it again? Eh, maybe. Or I can just buy a fresh cup from milksha whenever the mood strikes. 

Taro Milk Shake Recipe

Makes about 6-8 drinks. Do you have the appetite?

300-400g, about half a medium sized taro

20g caster sugar

Large pinch of salt

Full cream milk, adjusted to taste

Peel taro until there's no brown bits left on the flesh, and cut the taro flesh into 2-3 inches cubes. Place in steamer and steam for about 30-45 mins, until softened and can be easily smashed.

Add sugar and salt to the hot taro, and mash until well incorporated. For every 300g of taro, you want about 20g sugar. Let chill completely in the fridge. This mixture can be covered and kept in the fridge for a couple of days. 

When ready to serve, add a couple of scoops of mashed taro (about 50g) to a glass of milk. Combine using a fork or whisk (or a handheld blender for the best effect.) Serve immediately. 

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